Secondary School

When a student has special needs in secondary school, various support measures can be offered. These supports are tailored to the individual needs of the student.

Different supports are proposed in secondary school in order to meet the specific needs of the high potential student:

  • Reasonable accommodations are designed to adapt learning and assessment arrangements to the student's needs.
  • Assistance from the school's Special Needs Support Team (équipe de soutien des élèves à besoins spécifiques (ESEB)) to individually support the student based on his/her needs.
  • Psychological support and support on a personal, relational and social level to support the student who is going through moments of difficulty or crisis.

In addition to these measures implemented within the school, the CEJHP can, if needed, offer specific learning workshops or pedagogical, psychological and/or psychomotricity support.

The CEJHP can also offer specialized ambulatory interventions (ISA) in the student's classroom while collaborating with the school educational team.

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