Who are we?
The competence centres for specialised psycho-educational support (Centres de compétences en psycho-pédagogie spécialisée - CC) are for pupils with specific needs and their parents who wish to receive specialised services in addition to the services provided by elementary or secondary education.
Target population
A child or young person is said to be high potential (HP) when he or she has the intellectual potential to perform significantly better than the average child or young person of his or her age in one or more areas, i.e. children or adolescents who have obtained very high results in standardized tests (IQ ≥ 130).
As a Competence Centre, we support high-potential students in the Luxembourg public school system's elementary or secondary school, who have specific needs, on a psychological, pedagogical or social level.
The team
- Danielle Rod
- Samantha Bichler
- Dr Henderika De Vries
- André Franck
- Tamara Monacelli
- Miriam-Linnea Hale
- Marina Kremer
- Tom Conrad
- Jill Orlando
- Cyril Wealer
- Christiane Weis
- Gil Kasel
Resource teachers
- Laurence Di Letizia
- Pol Kieffer
- Samuel Nilles
- Elia Schreiner
- Romy Trauffler
- Deborah Weyland
- Claudine Wolff
- Carole Lemos
Psychomotor therapists
- Guillaume Rodrigues
Administrative staff
- Lisa Daleiden
- Laura Welscher
- Adelisa Zulic